jeudi 22 novembre 2007

That I would be good

That i would be good even if i did nothing
That i would be good even if I got the thumbs down
That i would be good if I got and stayed sick
That i would be good even if I gained ten pounds

That i would be fine even if i went bankrupt
That i would be good if i lost my hair and my youth
That i would be great if i was no longer queen
That i would be grand if i was not all knowing

That i would be loved even when i numb myself
That i would be good even when i am overwhelmed
That i would be loved even when i was fuming
That i would be good even if i was clingy
That i would be good even if i lost sanity

That i would be good whether with or without you

2 commentaires:

HaPpY a dit…

J'adore cette chanson, je trouve que c'est l'une des plus belles d'Alanis Morissette.
ce que j'aime le plus , à part les paroles, c'est le petit solo de flûte qu'elle fait à la fin .
Merci pour ce choix :)

YoYo a dit…

Higuita: grazie molto :), ho visitato il tuo blog, è anché interessante.
@Samyouta:tout à fait d'accords avec toi, et je t'en prie ma chère, t'es la bienvenue